kykNET Silwerskermtoekennings vir Film en Televisie 2024

STELLA MOORDE a documentary produced by IdeaCandy and directed by David Enright.

In 2018, two girls were found dead in their school hostel in Stella, a small town in the North West. This documentary from the makers of Devilsdorp tells the story of this tragedy – by turns heartbreaking and shocking.



KLOP!, short for “Kô, lat ons praat,” is an Afrikaans talk show, focusing on issues and people that matter in Coloured communities, both urban and rural. The content features newsmakers, feel good stories, community heroes, serious topics, family entertainment, history and a dose of humour. KLOP! is hosted by Heindrich Wyngaard & Lyntjie Jaars on kykNET&Kie, DSTV channel 145, Sundays @ 18:00.


kykNET Silwerskermtoekennings vir Film en Televisie

Silwerskerm Short films is a development, mentorship, and talent identifying project, managed, and produced by IdeaCandy on behalf of kykNET & Multichoice. Here upcoming writers, directors and actors get the guidance, funding, and opportunity to produce their selected short film for the annual kykNET Silwerskerm film festival and all films are broadcasted afterwards on selected channels. This project, currently in its 9th year, has produced 140 short films. Many of the directors, actors and writers who started in this project has gone on to be involved in award winning series and feature films from South Africa.
